Car Battery Cable Replacement
Our mobile mechanics offer services 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
How it’s done:
- Perform a voltage drop test.
- Remove and replace cables if voltage drop is more than 0.1 volt.
- Clean cables.
- Inspect charging system.
- Perform a starter draw test.
- Test for proper voltage output from alternator.
Our recommendation:
Corrosion is the battery cable’s worst enemy. If you open the hood of your car, you may find a white or bluish powdery substance (dried acid) on the battery and cables. This acidic substance will corrode the battery terminal ends and the battery cable. It is a good practice to have the battery and cables checked and cleaned at regular intervals (we recommend every other oil change). This will prevent the corrosion from building up and it will extend the life of the battery cables.
What common symptoms indicate you may need to replace the Battery Cable?
- Car does not start.
- Clicking noise when starting the car.
- Electrical components (e.g. lights, radio, horn) may not work.
How important is this service?
Battery cables transfer currency from the battery to the electrical components of the vehicle. Without functioning battery cables, the battery has no way of outputting energy. The alternator and starter rely on battery cables for power, so malfunctioning cables mean that your vehicle won’t start up or have any electrical energy.